Tag Archives: Tiny Pine Press Variations

blog times = good times

especially when it’s Martha Stewart’s Wedding Blog!!

I was so so super excited when Yifat Oren gave me the word that Kristina & Jesse’s Wyoming wedding invitations were shown by Martha this morning. HOORAY! I felt like Tiny Pine Press hit the wedding blog jackpot!!

I love this invitation. It’s classic Tiny Pine. I mean, there are pine needle clusters stitched on every invitation. Can you get more piney?

The save the dates were also one of my favorites… with the tinted photograph of the property delivered to the guests, giving them just a peek at where they would be traveling to.

So now a new goal has been reached, and I can rest a bit before working towards a new goal of getting Martha Stewart to follow me on Twitter……

Thanks to Yvette Roman for the pretty photo of the stationery!

Tiny Pines + Hipstamatic = The new old fashioned

Whenever I hang out with Gia Canali, I get bitten by the photography bug. She was showing me her iphone photos using the Hipstamatic App, and I took a notion to download that myself. I was hoping that all I needed was a program to make my photos look like hers…

Well, turns out that taking good iphone photos not as easy as just paying $1.99. BUT I was able to start learning how to use my new took as I stitched this weekend.

These photos are of an invitation I am working on right now. My client wanted to have a similar look to this invitation which i designed almost 6 years ago. (I used a black and white “film” to convey the idea that this is the OLD invitation, just so you know )

This new bride is getting married near a pine forest and really loved having that visual element stitched on.

For her, we brightened up the paper a little bit, freshened up the typeface with an added script element, printed letterpress on handmade cotton paper with a slight shimmer – using a cool grey ink color and stitched in a subtle green since her wedding isn’t in the fall… (though you can’t actually tell from my old fashioned photo…… hmmm….)

Every invitation was stitched with the sewing machine but guided by my hand which definitely requires complete concentration, and lots

of tunes in the background.

Since I am quite fond of pines so the hours of stitching breezed by as I concentrated on each one and their limbs.

Obviously, some are taller than other, wider than others, etc. but together they make an elegant stitched tiny pine forest.

the old fashioned typewriter + ee cummings = horizon

the horizon wedding invitation

the horizon wedding invitation

love for e.e. cummings, lower case and all

here is this variations collection favorite… which i also love inspired by the poet

(and by the typewriter)

there are caps though in the names

shown in this blog by our friends at parcel post on the brooklyn bride

(i was very proud to show it)

gia canali was so nice to take pictures of it

that’s all.                 have a good day..              xo.

Variations Launch Party – The Full Report


I have been so busy catching up with my day job at tiny pine that I neglected my blog responsibilities (for silly tea parties and episodes of Madmen) to post images from the super fun party at Urbanic Paper Boutique last week… (Fortunately Audrey at Parcel Post and Gia Canali were more diligent with their blogging)IMG_8780

In preparation for the party and because it was at a store, I created a bunch of stationery to sell there that night. It kind of makes me feel like I should open an etsy shop.. that’s next on the to do list!!


It really isn’t my normal style to solicit attention, but when I delivered the album to Urbanic and Audrey thought to combine the Abbott Kinney First Fridays event with the Launch of the Variations collection, then I had to agree… I mean, I couldn’t resist a chance to have some amazing music,IMG_8934 yummy snacks AND a really cool Project Social (as they like to call it there at Urbanic when they make crafties on the back patio)

The Tiny Pine sponsored the project social – mix CD sleeves for someone you love or like…. I had a bunch of leftover sheets die cut and pre-glued… I brought a bunch of myleftover materials (leaves, flowers, rhinestones, rubberstamps) to combine with Urbanic’s pile for all the visitors to create their little works of art.


Anyways, that night was really fun. Lots of friends came out to support me and I am very grateful for to them –


Particularly Cheryl & Angelo Catering for creating the yummiest snacks and to DJ’s John & Jeremy- for spinning the music that everyone used as inspiration for the cd sleeves…. also they stayed til the very end, which led to me getting my groove on after everyone had left…



Ok. There’s the report… Any questions?





Photos by Paul Esposito
more pictures at Tiny Pine’s Facebook Page become a fan!

Tiny Pine Press – Variations

This past Friday night I had a launch party for the new album collection of invitations which are available now to view and purchase at Urbanic Paper Boutique in Venice, CA. (it’s the first store I have offered any invitations – custom & pre-designed)

Photos of that party are forthcoming but I thought I would post the designs. They are also viewable as scans on the Tiny Pine Press site but these photos are a bit nicer and bigger….

On a side note, these are all variations on invitation designs I have done in the past as custom options. I think this shows 9 of the all time favorites which have been redesigned for the brides all over who can’t meet to create custom invitations.

They are digitally printed (but can be done letterpress, obviously) and use recycled papers and some tree free papers… to be as green as I can!

Take a look!
















Blogged on the Brooklyn Bride!

We were blogged on Brooklyn Bride last week. or the week before. It’s so nice to get recognized… Thanks Audrey of Parcel Post!!!

A save the date for Stephanie and Sam… the song was actually one they sang together… so sweet!


check it out here

and waves, a member of my newest collection was shown here
