New business idea… Rodent ICE CREAM!

Yesterday not a lot of work got done. Well, maybe brainstorming for a new business should count as work!
I share studio space with Anne Muller – Card Tricks Designs – and it was the last day of school for her kids… And so we decided to make Possum ice cream. 

I should clarify. In the past few months, whenever these teenagers, Ruby and Wilson, may complain about something like cell phones or computers then I go into a hillbilly rant about how I grew up miles and miles from anything and how we didn’t have a home phhone growing up and blah blah blah walking to school up hill in the snow both ways type stuff. (Anne can’t really  do those rants because she grew up in the city in Southern California, so I do it for her.)
Basically, it was kind of a joke that we would have some “Hillbilly Ice Cream Social” (I am ALWAYS game for an ice cream social) “School’s OUT!” Party.  Then Anne went to the store and we surprised them with this lovely creation. 

I think it’s sooooo funny! i had a leg. We were civilized and ate it on plates though my Hillbilly instinct was to just dig in! Oh well, When in Rome……