is my treasure! especially in this case.
Well, actually, I did pay a little bit for this press. (and then I paid almost as much to have it moved!)
Introducing my new big bad printing giant. He’s a Chandler & Price 10×15 old style from around 1912. He is OLD and sweet and so far his personality is easy-going. He still hasn’t told me his name. I do know that he is a loving gentle giant. His heart is open and exposed because look what I found. He has an ink fountain attached and the pins are shaped like little hearts. A whole row. I saw those and fell in LOVE!
I parked him in my garage with his girlfriend, the big cutter. I think she told mentioned that her name is Betsy. They are about the same age and they came from the same shop. I just couldn’t bear to separate them. Betsy doesn’t look her age, but she is set in her ways. Photos of her are coming shortly.
I have been spending extensive quality time with my new friends, just getting to know them…. Cleaning up the quiet Mr. printing press and trying to listen for his name – exploring all of the possible ole holes for his old joints. and getting ready to have the chiropractor come over soon to give him an adjustment so he will be ready to print print print.